Fred, Children Believe’s CEO, shares what inspired him onward in his personal and professional journey during a recent fundraiser.
About a month ago, a group of 14 Children Believers, from as young as nine, ran in the TCS Toronto Waterfront Marathon, which raised $2.5+ million much-needed funds for its 150 charity partners. It was quite an accomplishment. Working as part of a community toward a common goal was energizing.
It was the first time Children Believe signed up as an organization, or as a team, to participate in this event. I’m so glad we did.
The last time I ran a half-marathon was in 2009 in Nairobi, Kenya. I was well overdue to run again for more than one reason. It was fun to push my physical fitness, but the mental training is what propelled me forward. Once again, it reminded me of important life lessons.
First, you have to find your passion and then build positive mental toughness step-by-step. Finally, you have to believe in yourself and others headed toward similar goals (your teammates).
This is how Children Believe succeeds in breaking life’s tough barriers. Of course the road is very different for the people we help, but I’ve seen a similar tenacity of spirit in many of the kids and families.