I read about Lucienne from Burkina Faso, where I’ve visited often. She was inspired by her sponsor who told her she was special and had a future. Today, the 32-year-old social worker uses similar words to encourage children she serves. In India, Anandharaj, practices law so he can help his low-caste (or class) community fight false criminal charges.
There are countless success stories fuelled by the energy of 60-years’-worth of sponsors and supporters.
Now’s our chance to celebrate those 60 years, while making a difference for the future. Join me as a legacy giver, and remember Children Believe in your Will. Perhaps you could also consider supporting a special project or an emergency gift pack to help struggling parents during the pandemic. There are countless possibilities.
I’m confident, that together with dedicated supporters, the volunteer Board of Directors, staff and program partners overseas will make a difference. May God bless you on this journey of love!
Call Christina Beeston (1.800.263.5437, ext. 402) to learn more about planned giving. With her help, and that of your financial advisor, it’s easy to leave a legacy of hope.