The six-year-old boy had redness on his chest and the eight-year-old girl couldn’t move her arm after being hit with a telephone wire.
In Nicaragua, domestic violence can be considered “punishment.” It’s a vicious cycle of behaviour, which often begins with men abusing their wives who then hit their children.
With support through CCFC, behaviours are slowly changing in Nicaraguan communities. Jacinta has spent years helping women identify abuse and get help. And, through coordination with local school administration, CCFC and other civil-society organizations, many community members have learned children deserve a childhood free from violence.
Jacinta believes that firmly. She’s happy the family of the children she helped now receives psychological support and a social worker visits to ensure everyone is safe.
At 55, Jacinta looks ahead with optimism. She wishes she could do more to protect children. “I love working with [them],” she says.