Millions of children and families vulnerable to the food crisis sparked by the war in Ukraine, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, are in danger, reports the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which recently announced some relief.
The IMF approved a new emergency financing strategy called the Food Shock Window that will be open for a year and provide countries with urgent needs additional access to emergency financing.
The new Food Shock Window means member countries — including regions where we work in Africa, Asia and the Americas — will be able to borrow up to 50 percent of their “share quota,” a number given, based on their relative position in the world economy, reports Devex.
This comes as the cost of food and fertilizer are threatened. “A food crisis is spreading around the globe with a record 345-million people whose lives and livelihoods are in immediate danger from acute food insecurity,” explained Kristalina Georgieva, managing director of IMF, in a recent press release.
At Children Believe, we help provide children and families access to basic needs, such as food and clean water. And, through community-savings-and-loans groups, we give women training and seed funding to create lasting change. In Ethiopia, support through a group helped Buna grow her family’s agricultural production and improve their living conditions.
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