We promote equality for girls


We're helping girls and boys enjoy equal opportunities

HOME > WHAT WE DO > Equality for girls

Girls deserve equal opportunities

  • We help girls develop knowledge, skills, confidence and leadership skills through girls’ clubs, child and youth groups and children’s networks
  • We provide training and awareness campaigns on human rights, gender equality and where to go for help
  • We encourage girls and women to participate in decision-making at our program level and in community and government meetings, councils and forums

Projects supporting communities


  • Lead for education achievement and progress… Read more
  • Saving brains… Read more


  • Stop child marriage now… Read more
  • Raising awareness about gender equality… Read more


  • Youth employability: closing the gender gap in youth employment in Nicaragua… Read more
  • Strengthening protection, especially among women and girls, during emergencies… Read more
  • Women’s groups spark social and personal empowerment… Read more

How we’re making progress

In the 2021/2022 fiscal year, we celebrated the following achievements...

195,500+ Children, youth, parents and caregivers recieved training to stand up for the rights of girls and women

24,400+ Women assumed leadership roles and participated in community/public decision-making to influence gender equality

429,800+ Family members and community leaders were given resources to strengthen the well-being of children, including through gender equality