Burkina Faso

Défenseurs des enfants

We provide children with tools and training they need to access education, overcome barriers and be a voice for change. We’ve had an office in Burkina Faso since 1987.


Nous nous engageons ensemble pour le changement

Merci à nos partenaires de mise en œuvre qui rendent les rêves possibles au Burkina Faso…

  • Organisation Chrétienne d'Entraide et de Développement
  • OCADES Fada
  • OCADES Koupela Service
  • Service de l'Église évangélique en mission
  • Organisation chrétienne de secours et de développement

Nous favorisons un développement de qualité pour les enfants

Au Burkina Faso, nous collaborons avec des experts au sein et en dehors de notre organisation pour soutenir la petite enfance, une période cruciale du développement.

Nous changeons les mentalités en travaillant avec le gouvernement pour offrir un programme complet et holistique dans les salles de classe et les espaces adaptés aux enfants dans les camps de déplacés internes.

Nous aidons les enfants à accéder à des soins, à s’inscrire à l’école et à améliorer leur accès à une éducation précoce de qualité.


Le saviez-vous...

  • Le Burkina Faso a une population de 21,4 millions d’habitants.

  • Son économie repose sur l'agriculture. Près de 80 pour cent de la population active travaille dans ce secteur.

  • 30,5 pour cent de la population vit avec moins de 2,15 $US/jour.

  • 40,6 pour cent des enfants sont inscrits dans le secondaire.


Source: worldbank.org

Les dons en action au Burkina Faso

Plus de 6200 enfants parrainés

5 partenaires locaux

15 communautés

Plus de 385700 rêveurs (de tous âges)

Christelle Kalhoulé




Responsable du succès global de nos bureaux au Ghana et au Burkina Faso, la directrice dirige et gère la croissance stratégique et l’orientation, le développement des programmes, les partenariats internationaux et nationaux ainsi que les opérations quotidiennes.


Inspiring Stories

September 2019

Remembering those who need help most

Lois, a sponsor since the '70s, finds joy in supporting 15 children globally. Guided by faith, she includes Children Believe in her Will for lasting impact. Learn how to follow her compassionate journey.

April 2020

Empowering drought-prone communities of Ethiopia

In Ethiopia's Langano region, a Saving and Credit Co-operative, supported by Children Believe, brings hope and resilience to overcome challenges.

May 2020

How we’re finding community resilience amidst unce...

COVID-19 hits vulnerable communities hard in India. Children struggle with nutrition, education, and mental health. Relief efforts provide aid and support.

More about us

You ask, we answer.

Sponsorship combines funding from supporters to provide children with access to education so they can thrive in school and life. The program also gives children:

  • Equal access to opportunities and resources, such as clean water, healthcare and quality education
  • Confidence, knowledge and leadership skills to realize their rights
  • Opportunities to have their voices heard through community clubs, public forums and our sponsorship programming
  • The tools to play an active role in improving the systems that are supposed to protect them

And, letters sent between donor and sponsored child contribute to building a child’s confidence, so they’re encouraged to create a brighter future for themselves.

For $44 per month, sponsorship through Children Believe gives a child access to education and provides their community with the tools and resources they need to thrive.

As a child sponsor, you’ll receive an Annual Report as well as an update of your sponsored child’s progress and a new photo, so you can see how they’ve grown. We also include updates from their community so you see what your support, along with their hard work, has accomplished.

Trust and accountability are very important to us. Children Believe uses results-based management to measure and evaluate everything we do. This ensures we’re accountable to you and can achieve the greatest change for children. Read ChildVoice magazine and our online stories to meet the children and families you’re helping.

Since we were founded in 1960, we’ve reached out to children of all faiths, ethnicities and cultures, and all people who want to make a difference in their lives. Yet, in the countries we work, there’s often confusion about whether we serve children of other faiths. As a commitment to our Christian faith principles, we want every child to feel excited and proud our name represents them and every person to feel inspired and welcome to join our cause.

Curious about our work in Burkina Faso?

Get in touch and ask away! We're happy to help.